Word for 2016 (Nancy Haney)

Dear Friends,

Hard to believe another year is upon us!  Throughout, I’m sure we’ve all had mountains and valleys.  Still, the Lord reigns in the highs and lows of circumstances…. His grace and mercy is new every day!

So, what about 2016?  I continue to search His Word and bend my ear in to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying in this hour.  There are many voices longing to be heard these days but this is true … the Word / Voice of the Lord is strong and mighty and His Word will never pass away!

Still, we continue to hear much about how ‘bad’ things are and how things are just going downhill …. and fast.  Truth is, satan has always been trying to destroy believers, Christmas and the Birth of Christ.  Throughout the centuries, Christians have literally lost their lives because they believed in what Christmas represented.  Clearly, satan is not up to anything new.  God, on the other hand, can and does make all things new at His will.

This is what I hear the Lord saying about 2016:  Redemptive Love, Establish, Peg, and 7 years of plenty.  2016 is evolving into an amazing year!  Of course, satan’s mode of operation is to cast doubt on God’s truths and plant seeds of opposition;  words to tear down His provision.  That’s the job of the enemy … to kill, steal, and destroy. He knows his time is short and he’s not going to relent.  Unfortunately,  the unbelieving world gets sucked into that doom and gloom mentality.  What better way to attempt to disarm the saints of the Living God than with lies?  Those lies are repeated and repeated until they become a reality to some (yes, even believers).   Speaking those things that aren’t as if they are rings true whether positive or negative!

Yet here is the good news:  God IS and WILL ALWAYS BE in charge!

Four keys the Lord has given me for 2016:
Number 20 – Redemption
Number 16 – God’s love

2)  ESTABLISH:  In order to understand and actually realize His REDEMPTIVE LOVE, we have to be established in Him, in His Truth, His Word, and living it!

3)  A PEG:  To be assured; found as a sure peg, solidly planted in the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ. A sure place, planted in and by faith, and fixed on Jesus Christ!  Solidly fixed, standing on a firm foundation full of His plans and standards, full of His favor.

4)  7 YEARS OF PLENTY:  This actually started on September 13, 2015 at sundown, according to the Jewish calendar (the beginning of 2016).  Seven years of filling up the storehouse of the Lord with souls for the Kingdom.   To realize the fruition of 7 years of plenty, is to walk out His redemptive love, which has made us whole.  And each one is made uniquely to fulfill His plans, to be established with confidence in whom and what we are in Him – unshakable, confident, and solidly planted in His faith.  We are defined as His peg, driven in the place where our sphere of influence changes the atmosphere everywhere we go when everything we do is in the name of Jesus Christ.  We know and react to make an impact for the Kingdom, always moving forward for the Kingdom’s sake.  Finally knowing that the storehouse of God’s purposes is filling up, daily.  Seven years of favor.  Seven years of trusting God with a true strategy for family, friends, strangers, health, and finances, etc.  The key is storing up for Him.  Reread the story of Joseph, and take note of his hardships, yet incredible faith.  Are we welcoming the negative chapters of the story? …  The characters throughout Joseph’s life that believed the lies and therefore reacted on them?  His jealous brothers, always accusing, plotting to kill him; selling him to Egyptian traders who then sold Joseph as a slave!  Or how about the wicked wife seeking her own advantages? And what about Potiphar?  Initially, he loved and respected Joseph, then later, believed the lies and rejected him.  And the Pharaoh who trusted, believed and ultimately rewarded Joseph?  The end result, a nation was saved because one believed in a redemptive love, learned how to be established, became a peg firmly planted in the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ.  Joseph walked out the work of filling the storehouse with treasures … souls.

God’s will wins.  Is this you!   It’s your choice.   The truth is, the end of the Book says He wins!

Blessings in the Name of Jesus as we head into a new year to fulfill His plans and purposes!

Nancy Haney,
PTH President