Sept. 4, 2013
Dear Point To Hope Friend,
Hard to believe it was last May 24th when Nancy and I (Sarah) left Alaska, along with the Stinson family to head to Lucknow, India. From there, the path of the Lord for PTH included: Hong Kong, driving America’s Northern border (completing the last of the borders in America); continuing on to do the same around Israel’s borders and ending the ministry in the Georgia / South Carolina area. Now, Nancy and Debbie G.(who traded places with me Aug. 12th) are making their way back to the great state of Alaska.
The Lord has proved Faithful to so many; young or elderly, new or seasoned christians, people from all walks of life and nationalities, etc. If the Lord was given permission, lives touched by the Master. And also, glory to the Lord for His blessing, favor, and protective mighty hand upon the leadership team of Point To Hope Ministries. Additionally, so many of God’s faithful servants came along side to support PTH at various times to help house and carry out the plans of the Lord. Thank you to all.
Without your prayer support … well, how do I say it? Like going fishing without a pole … going canoeing without a paddle … a battle without a weapon … sky diving without a parachute … high diving without water! Somethings are designed to work together; God’s plans and prayer! Thank you for your prayer support.
Don’t forget about the up coming PTH Holy Spirit Encounter Conference in Ketchikan, Alaska (Sept. 26-28, 2013). It is going to be awesome! The theme is “The Power of God Demonstrated.” See the website for details: “event calendar”
Blessing to all, and again, thank you for your faithful prayer coverage.
Sarah Tarter,
PTH Prayer Facilitator
* Below you will find a few testimonies from some of the PTH leadership who have been traveling with the ministry for the last several weeks:
South Carolina’s report of the great things that God has accomplished in this state.
People are being set free by hearing the Truth that the Holy Spirit has given Nancy Haney to share specifically with the people here in South Carolina.
The Testimonies that we have heard are living proof that the people have received what they have hard from the Holy Spirit.
We had a man come forward who wanted to receive more Power from God.
He gloriously received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
The next night, a woman who was very hungry for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit desired to be prayed for and received her prayer language.
A pastor from one of the churches was restored and encouraged by the outpouring of the God’s love and the Truth that was preached. It was said later that the church services had doubled in size and that a spirit of unity was felt throughout all those that came.
Earlier this year, Nancy was invited to pray with a pastor and his wife concerning a fairly new ministry that serves specific needs for individuals. There has been much development and growth to this outreach ministry, and people continue to be set free.
Matthew 13:7-9
Some seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.
Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop, a 100, 60 and 30 times what was sown.
“He who has ears, let them hear.”
And South Carolina has heard, thank you Jesus and Point to Hope Ministries and Intercessors!!!
Our motto has been borrowed from the song “Bless the Lord…” We sing: “Praise the Lord, O my soul. And all that is within me praise His Holy Name.” In all things, we are to praise the Lord. Even when, simple yet significant things went wrong like “no eggs at Wal-Mart,” we were praising the Lord as we went to another store. Perhaps that may seem insignificant, but if time permitted telling the whole funny story, you’d believe … eggs were a necessity!
The people are spiritually hungry and seeking more of God. At least 5 people have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and they were younger people. God is calling His people and they are answering the call.
We did a meeting at a small country church that was packed; nearly all the seats were filled. Nancy sought a woman in the back of the room who looked like she could use a word of encouragement. Nancy spoke over her and prayed. There were tears, but when they passed, she left with joy all over her. God is never finished with us.
What I witnessed at the meetings I attended was many realizing that they had fallen away from their First Love and had allowed anger and disbelief in their heart. I saw many repent and their lives changed. Many realized they were walking in their form of godliness not staying filled with the Holy Spirit Power. They were walking in yesterdays anointing, but the Lord was gracious and poured out fresh oil on His people. Lives were reconciled, restored, revived, and some delivered. I witnessed a couple people being filled and baptized in the Holy Spirit. I saw grown men tear up as the Lord melted their hearts to come back closer to Him and believe. Many times we would go to a church and many that had a great level of believe, but at the end of the service, after the word of God went forth like a two edged sword, they were repenting at the altar for their level of doubt and walking in a form. I believe many were brought back to a more intimate walk with the Father through the Lord Jesus.
© Point to Hope Ministries