“Country Song” …. Sung His Way

Dear PTH Friends,

I woke up this morning with an ole’ country song on my heart.  Let me first say, Nancy and I just arrived in Georgia yesterday (7/18) after returning from a PTH conference in New Zealand and capitol prayer assignments in 10 different countries.  In between, we had a week home with our husbands in Alaska.  Now, this this morning a song rings in my mind:  “On The Road Again”, Willie Nelson’s theme song in the 1980’s as he traveled around the United States.

That song is now probably running through your head!  After I googled the lyrics,  I was amazed how repetitive this song is, with the exception of this line:  “Insisting that the world be runnin’ our way” …..

Well, didn’t ever think much in common with Willie, but I will say this:  PTH is on the road again, with a passionate message to share:  “Insisting that the world be running’ HIS way!

Before Willie’s song rang through my mind, I was reading in Hebrews, chapter 10 from The Passion Translations and here are a few excepts from that passage:
fasten My Word to your thoughts (vs. 16)
Jesus’ body was torn open to give us free and fresh access to Him (vs. 20)
our hearts have been sprinkled with blood to remove impurity and we have been freed from an accusing conscience and now we are clean, unstained, and presentable to God inside and out (vs.22)
cling tightly to hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps His promises (vs. 23)

And lastly,
come together frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward (vs. 25).

For the next 6 weeks, PTH will be doing just that:  coming together frequently.  Why?  Because there is ONE HOPE and ONE LOVE who desires (not insist) that the world be runnin’ His way… because of pure love!  There is a full minister schedule posted on the website with daily meetings and directions – ‘frequenting together’ for HIS plans.  And like Willie Nelson’s tour bus needed fuel, PTH also needs a heavenly fuel called prayer.  

Thank you, PTH friends and family for your faithful prayer support.  Although reports might not be ‘as frequent’ as meetings, please know your prayers will be aligning hearts and plans so God can transform lives.

PTH ministry schedule:  http://www.pointtohope.org/event-calendar.html
Also note, the upcoming PTH Holy Spirit Encounter Conference August 18-20, 2016 (United Assemblies of Seneca 11075 Watson Dr. off Hwy. 123 Seneca, SC 29678).  Your prayers are so valued!

Sarah Tarter,
PTH Prayer Facilitator

PS …. God’s Word ran through my mind before Willie’s song 🙂 … yes Lord, Fasten Your Word to my thoughts (Heb. 10:16)