
Dear PTH Friends,

I wanted to give you an update on our last ministry.  The Ketchikan PTH conference was excellent, and many would rank it one of the best!  There were salvations, unity in the community, healings, and recommitments.  Testimonies concerning the conference were passionate, focused, convicting, and powerful to those who have ears to hear and who heed to His Word.  The last message I was blessed to share in Ketchikan was at Good News Fellowship on Sunday, where God enabled me to speak the Word for 2018.  We will be victorious if we press in.  That is the way of the Lord.  To God be the Glory!


After we finished the Ketchikan PTH conference and ministry, Sarah and I went to Juneau to pray at our state Capital.  Following prayer for Alaska, we continued to pray for every state capital in the USA.  Then we went on to pray over every international capital, where we have already stood on their capital steps; just under 70 countries.  It was powerful!  Many prayers, declarations from the Word, and what God had led us to lift up.  We literally cried out for God’s mercy, repenting for the major disunity we are experiencing, and praying for more faith and hope and love across the land!!!!  As we prayed, God revealed the sin and bondage that had been embraced, even on a global perspective!  Please continue in prayer and lifting up the Word!!!!  It will not return void!!!

I just want to add a big thank you to the Point To Hope Team, and to all you Intercessors, especially!   The committed prayer covering for a whole year brought the awesome evidence of many excellent testimonies.  Workshop Speakers, you did awesome.  (The recorded workshops are on line.  Enjoy!!!)  To all of you who hosted our guests, a huge big thank you.  YOU WILL BE BLESSED!


Now we are on to Ohio and West Virginia for ministry and another PTH conference Oct. 19-21 in Vienna, WV.  We are going with great anticipation and expectation.


Bless you all for your faithful prayers and receiving hearts… The best is yet to come.


Nancy Lee