Trust, Faith, & Do Your Homework

Greetings Point To Hope Friends,

Here is a long overdue update, but first I thought I’d better see what I last posted. Yikes, last October, time flies! Double yikes, the paragraph below is from that post and it is just as relevant today as it was last October:

“Have you sensed a shift across America these last several weeks? It is one thing to be loud, it is quite another to be a voice piece for the Lord! There is a spiritual war all around the world! We would be naive to think we can have a war without a conflict! Are we not serving in the army of the Lord most High? Military branches are established for the very purpose of protection! Let us not hold back our righteous voices and open wide to speak TRUTH in love.” (

No doubt, things definitely shifted! Still, let us hold fast to truth with a righteous voice. It is true, there is a new way of operation, and much reference to ‘things are just not normal.” This is true, but Truth says: “I (Jesus) am the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6b). Consider this: True, is a perspective, a view on something. Truth, on the other hand, does not change. “For I am the Lord, I do not change,” (Mal. 3:6a/NKJV). In all things, let us desire a heart of Truth.

So, in light of the current world conditions, what are we declaring when we open wide our mouths? Are we speaking what is true or truth? Are we declaring the promises of God; His Word? Are we repeating the problem or issue, or are we speaking life and a solution from the Lord’s view? God’s Word is the standard of TRUTH! Are we exercising fear or faith?

Yes, we are all impacted with this current pandemic. Let us be wise, and heed warnings of those in authority over us, and exercise common sense. But let us be wise and manifest faith, not fear. God knows what is going on! Even in Biblical days, people were quarantined because of disease (i.e. Leprosy). Might I add that we still live in Biblical days because the Word is alive and active (Heb. 4:12a/NIV).

And what about ‘normal’? Has God ever called any one to be normal? “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9/NIV). I am not in a hurry to be ‘normal.’

We are in a season, and it is very real, true. Truth – God still reigns! And He needs us! Why? Because He loves us, and He desires a relationship with us through His Son, Jesus. Yet, He gave man a free will and He longs for us to TRUST Him; and to pray. We do live in a fallen world, but God made a way. Let us continue to seek His face, and hold one another up in prayer and encouragement.

I am sure “homework” has a whole new dimension with so many schools now required to deliver instruction into homes! And since we are all in this together, I thought you would be interested in having a homework assignment also … from the Lord, of course 🙂

What am I talking about? Since 2020 is a new decade, and the word from the Lord is it will be a time for His people to open their mouths with His wisdom. But in order to have His wisdom, we have to have His Word in us. During the ministry time in January / February, Nancy had been sharing some nuggets from the Lord; Some keys for us to apply for the next decade. “Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth,” (2 Tim.2:15/AMP).

Yes, students, you read correctly … “Study” … do your homework…. 🙂

4 Keys to Study:
1) Genesis, Chapters 12-24: Stages of Abraham’s Life in relation to maturing as Christian.
What stage are you at in your Christian walk? A) Like babies to youth: things start rather easy; want more but not the responsibility. B) Maturing in faith. C) Fidelity (complete loyalty and trust).

2) Hebrews:
Chapters 1-10: What is Paul addressing?
Chapters 11-13: Now after you understand chapters 1-10, where is your faith?

3) Job, Chapters 38-39: Want to know how to defend God? Be His voice of wisdom?
God response …. Hey, where were you when I hung the stars?…

4) Ephesians, chapter 6: The Armor of God.
It is written to Christians, so they already have their armor on, but are our feet shod with the preparations of the gospel of peace? Are we ready to share and defend the gospel?

Next, as a retired teacher, I am happy to announce YOUR homework is self-pace, and you can not fail! The Lord is always for us and there to help in ALL situations. He loves His Word too, and desires His children understand His TRUTH!

As far as the country assignment … the plans and purposes of the Lord have not changed! There are approximately 68 countries remaining to fulfill the mandate (pray at every nation’s capital city). Man makes plans, but the Lord orders our steps (Prov. 16:9).

I will leave you with this nugget the Lord told Nancy: “One of the greatest gifts we can give the Lord is to TRUST Him!” Amen! What a great opportunity we have right now, to TRUST Him.

Blessings to all!

Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator