What? Wut! … What? Wut!

June 12, 2019

Dear PTH Friends,

“Been long time comin’!” … ever said that? Thought it? That expression is nothing new under the sun! Generations of people probably said the same when baby Jesus showed up on the scene and the ‘long time coming’ turned to an eagerly awaited sigh of ‘finally’ (with the exception of Herod, of course). I’m thinking Herod probably could have been in the “Allstate mayhem commercials ‘What? … Wut! What?! … Wut! What?! … Wut! 🙂

And a disclaimer – that probably is funny only if you have seen the TV advertisement.

Well, so the news today is this PTH update has ‘been long time coming’, Jesus is still on the scene, and Herod, well, Herod is probably still saying “What?!” .. ‘Wut was I thinking?”

There is much to report on since my last post and to be honest, Herod was not intended to be part of the updates. Nonetheless, Herod showed up in my thoughts. Herod the Great was well known for his amazing architectural and engineering skills, political and military power, etc. He was also known for initiating the murder of ALL male infants, 2 years old or under. WHAT! I’m thinking any toddler, 2+ years also had to be in jeopardy of falling under that order given by Herod! Did Herod fear God? He certainly feared loosing grip of his own power to another authority. Thus, Herod gave an order to ambush God’s plan. That spirit of Herod is still devising mayhem today! The enemy fears loosing power / souls for his kingdom, (‘knowing that he (devil) has only a short time,’ /Rev. 12:12 b). There is an answer! “What” is the answer?” Yes, that is it …. What is the answer – WHAT you are doing?! Praying!

Leonard Ravenhill writes in his book, Why Revival Tarries (pg. 23), “The ministry of prayer – the highest ministry of all human offices – is open to all.” What? Wut! What? Wut! Yes! Any mayhem ordered by the enemy is thwarted because of the prayers of the saints! This is YOU!

Your prayers have accomplished much! It is hard to even fathom how much your prayers have guided and guarded us as we move in and out of each country. So many times, Nancy and I look back in awe and say to each other: ‘That was the result of people praying for us”! I’m not sure if this will help paint a picture, but it is like this: with your prayers, Nancy and I are slathered with oil (Holy Spirit) and nothing can keep hold on God’s purpose – just slide / glide right in to completion. Without prayer coverage, I can only imagine it would be as if Nancy and I would be doused in super glue – everything would stick: good, bad, ugly! “Wut” ever could stick – would stick”! But, praise the Lord that is not the case! We feel and experience the power of your effective prayers making a way for the purposes of God.

I don’t know where you are today, or what you may be facing … but if Mr. Wut Mayham-man shows up at your door to murder God’s purposes over you … it is null and void! God has already made a way. Like your prayers over this assignment to go to each country – God is making a way and He is making a way in your situation. We (Nancy and I, and our husband’s at home) know we are not alone, though we are separate by miles. You are not alone either! We are all in this ‘Body of Christ’ together … and that is the best place to be.

Prayer topic for June: Obedience
Obedience: Kind of a loaded topic, “Obedience” and the first scripture that pops in my heart is from Hebrews 5:8, “Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.” (NKJV). We all want to learn, but who wants to sign up for suffering? Yes, plural! Things … Wut!!! And, if we are trying to walk with the Lord, obedience will be a desire of our heart. So we make plans, and try to be diligent to His leading. Which brings me to a personal journal entry I wrote last month about plans.

“Prov. 16:9 / AMP: A man’s mind plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps.”
Here’s a funny in this verse: a man plans his ways – the verse does not specify what kind of plan: good plan, terrible plan, okay plan, great plan, stupid plan …. Just says ‘plan(s)! That should provide some relief because a plan is a plan! … just make a plan because the Lord will direct your way(s)! That is helpful instruction! What ever plan – make it!”

Plans may lead to suffering, great suffering, even long suffering, but in the end, we, like Christ, learn obedience. And according to Lord, to obey is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22b). So plan to be obedient: good plan, bad plan, ‘don’t know’ plan … just make one and in the end it is God who directs our plan.

Yes, thank you for your prayers for PTH. Still, let us continue to look beyond what is ‘knocking at our own doors’; what we do not see nor understand. Keep our country in prayer according to HIS WILL; no matter how it looks, fear not – God loves America, God loves Iran, God loves China, etc., God loves the whole world so much …. need I say more … To Him, this world was worth the cost of His Son; let us continue to pray and be obedient to His Word. Herod’s voice of death might announce itself, but that is not the final word! God had and has a perfect plan! Let us make a plan, knowing He is faithful to direct it. Yes, we love His plans, and part of His plan is us making a plan so He has something to work with. Personally, I don’t want to be found saying, “Wut plan?”

Ministry Updates:

Israel Prayer Journey (mid March, 2019): A total of 18 people went to Israel. You can read some of the testimonies here: https://pointtohope.com/?p=542 Personally, and think I can speak for Nancy when I say this: This Israel trip was an amazing yet different trip to the Holy Land. It was also a stretch (in a very good way) to lead such a diverse, yet unified group on a prayer journey in a foreign country. We all stretched in ways that were both new and / or different; physically and spiritually. And of course, stretching may or may not be comfortable, but necessary nonetheless. Like one, very big family living in close quarters, we all had a greater love and appreciation for each other! It was such an honor for Nancy and I to both lead and serve each one. It was a joy and I know all who went, were so appreciative of your prayer coverage as well.

After Israel, Nancy and I continued to travel to 9 more countries before returning to Alaska. The end of April and early May, PTH hosted a conference in Anchorage and then a mini conference in Delta Junction.

Anchorage, Alaska conference: You can listen to Nancy’s evening sessions and the workshop speakers here: http://nancyhaney.org/AUDIO/ The messages were amazing and powerful, but what is not captured online through the audio is the life-changing encounters that individuals had with the Holy Spirit and also connecting with other people … fellowship and relationships! And sometimes having to speak the hard truths which open to door to freedom!

Delta Junction, Alaska mini conference: Nancy, Kim Gaines, and myself not only ministered to others but were ministered to by others! I find it hard sometimes to bring updates because there are ‘big’ things that seem to stand out yet the little things that happen are just as powerful! And God gets the glory in all signs and wonders! Big or small they are all great!

Up-to-date Update: Nancy and I left Alaska on May 23 – June 10, and have completed the following countries: Trinidad, Grenada, Barbados, Saint Vincent, Saint Lucia, Antigua, Saint Kitts, Suriname, Guyana. Wow – talk about the big and small things your prayers have accomplished through the power of God. We have been literally in and out of countries, very quickly … ‘on the move’ and your prayers are sustaining us every step of the way. Sometimes just a day trip to a country, but most countries have been 1 night (maybe 2 depending on flight availability) and then on to the next. Yes, your prayers are doing supernatural things; some signs we are privy to see – other things, well, those are the ‘wonders’ … ‘wonder what just happened?” Didn’t see it but we sense it was the effective fervent prayers of the saints in action, PTL! Thank you so much for your prayer coverage. I know it has been said before, but we can’t emphasize enough the effectiveness of your prayers!!! They are soooooooo significant’ to what the Lord is doing in this assignment. And just to reiterate what Nancy has shared before: whatever reward the Lord has planned, it is for all who have labored in His purposes …. and remember, the workers who showed up to work late afternoon got same reward as the early shift! … What?! Wut!

June 13 – 29, 2019: Just the way the flights work in the itinerary, but we have had a few days rest in Atlanta, GA and now depart for a 10 hour flight to Argentina (Buenos Aires). Then onto complete the following countries before returning to Alaska:
Uruguay (Montevideo)
Paraguay (Asuncion)
Brazil (Brasilis)
Chile (Santiago)

Please keep the following in prayer, as Henry is currently working out the below itinerary:
July 18- Aug. 29, 2019: (tentative)
Vietnam Kiribati
Laos Marshall Islands
Cambodia Palau
Fiji Federated States of Micronesia
Tonga Tuvalu (will be a ‘fly by prayer; no access)
Samoa Solomon Islands
Nauru Vanuatu

As many of you already know, the Lord has given Nancy / PTH a prayer mandate to go to every capitol building in every country and to have it completed by Dec. 2022. And there are still many countries to complete. Initially the ‘plan’ was to continue with ministry in GA/SC for July / Aug, but the Lord directed the plans to the countries in this summer season. Still, we can’t help but miss our dear friends in the south until we all meet again, Lord willing.

Blessings to All

Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator