Dear Intercessors,
This is a very serious time for sure and much vying for our attention. Still, simply put, lift the name of Jesus and know that our strength comes from the Lord. The author and finisher of our faith already wrote the end of the book and we WIN because of the power of the name of Jesus and His precious blood.
This note is a preview of more information to come (probably next week or so). However, I wanted to get a quick word out ASAP because dates are ‘fast’ approaching. It seems a FAST is beckoning, and very quickly. A 3 Day Fast to be specific.
If any desire to participate in this corporate FAST, it will be July 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. (Wed., Thurs, & Fri). Like I said, “FAST” approaching. It is a strategic time as July 4th is Saturday and it is a declaration of FREEDOM in the Spirit for America; One Nation Under God! A Freedom Feast! We are believing for very strategic and specific intercessory strategies to come forth through this 3 day fast. Participate however you feel the Lord leads you.
Nancy and I will be heading to Washington DC for a week prior to heading to Georgia / South Carolina (mid July). The Lord is giving marching orders with much targeted prayer for our great country. More information will be forthcoming soon.
In the meantime, please keep the Point To Hope leadership team in prayer as itineraries are in the making, Henry is listening to the Lord regarding international travels, and Nancy and I are trying to be very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit for this next season. Things may be different but we are looking forward to the greatness God has in store.
The Lord is sovereign and He is in total and complete control. Yet, He does give us a free will and He is soooooooo for helping us! Some might be full of extravagant joy, while others are barely hanging on; Or maybe you are in between. Regardless, where ever you are, keep steadfast and hold tight! Like the Apostle Paul said when the sea billows roar, “Don’t jump ship, HOLD-ON, and you’ll be saved!” God’s got this!
Stay tuned, and Feast on His Word!
Blessings to all.
Sarah Tarter,
PTH Prayer Facilitator