February Faith: How’s your fire? How’s your fan?

Dear PTH Friends,

There is a little unit called a “Heat Powered Stove Fan.” It sits on a wood stove and when the stove reaches a certain temperature, the fan begins to turn automatically, causing the heat to manifest outwardly. The hotter the stove, the faster the fan turns, thus the greater the wind.

Likewise, we have a heat source within us. It is called the fire of God, and it is accessed by faith (and faith comes by the Word / TRUTH; Rom.10:17). The Bible reminds each one of us to tend to our own fire; we are responsible to keep it ablaze. Paul tells Timothy, “That is why I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire] that is in you,” (2 Tim. 1:6a AMP). And what was it that the Apostle Paul was referring to in Timothy? Faith! Sincere, unqualified, absolute trust; faith that seeped through his whole personality – that kind of sold out faith! Paul described Timothy’s faith like this: “I am calling up memories of your sincere and unqualified faith (the leaning of your entire personality on God in Christ in absolute trust and confidence in HIS power, wisdom, and goodness,” (2 Tim. 1:5a AMP). But remember, Timothy kind of shrunk back a bit in his faith, so Paul had to remind him of the kind of faith that was already in him by the Spirit of God (vs. 7).

That is some kind of faith! Imagine that – absolute trust! Wow! A faith that even shows through one’s personality! However, faith is just one log on the fire; it needs another log to keep it going, to burn hot! James details it like this: “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless,” (James 2:17 NLT).

The Lord wants us to be hot for the Kingdom; individually, corporately, and as nations! So much so that He gives us warnings where we ought to be, or what we should do. And where we ought not to be, or what we should not do (Rev. 2:1- 3:22). We are to be influential, the salt of the earth.

“For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His,” (2 Chron. 16:9a NASB). In other words, the Lord is looking for hearts burning hot for HIM. Are your flames visible? Do they capture the attention of the Lord? The Lord is not looking for perfection. He is looking for hearts that are yielded and submitted to His will and to His Word. Remember the widow who gave two mites? That was not much by the world’s standard. However, it captured Jesus’ attention because the widow gave all she had out of her lack. (Luke 21:1-4).

And what is your fan doing? It is true, a little bit of movement produces some warmth. Just be mindful that your fan doesn’t get stuck in a ‘lukewarm’ mode. The Lord says that is not where His Bride ought to be (Rev. 3:16). Our fans should be full of power, full of the Holy Spirit! Who wants a ‘form of a fire’ within? That is likened to a ‘form of godliness’ found in 2 Tim. 3:5. In fact, that same verse says we are instructed to have nothing to do with such people.

How? How do you keep your fire hot and your fan blowing strong with the wind of the Holy Spirit? Faith and deed; the Word; quality time with the Lord, prayer, loving and serving others. You might get your fire sparked with Sunday’s message, but how is your fire Monday-Saturday? You’ve got to keep your fire stoked so your fan is driven with power!

Word of caution: Do not equate the movement of your fan with your emotional state; if you feel good, your fan must be moving. If you don’t ‘feel’ anything / His presence, then your fan must not be moving. No – Jesus is Lord, Holy Spirit is full of power, and the Father is always good – regardless of how you feel, your emotional state. Just keep stoking your fire by ‘seeking first the Kingdom of God; (Matt. 6:33); and yielding always to the power of Holy Spirit’s leading (Zech. 4:6b).

Last month, I mentioned Haggai was one of the books the Lord told Nancy would be a type and shadow for the next decade. It is about prioritizing and obedience. The word of the Lord came through the prophet to the people that they should consider your ways! The Lord is still speaking through His prophets today; are we hearing? Believing? … Consider your ways? How’s your fire? How’s your fan? How’s your faith? Is it being tested by fire? If so, that is a good thing! Then you’ll know if it proves faithful.

Study: Ephesians 6:15, & continue with Haggai, chapters 1 & 2:
In early 2020, the Lord spoke this truth to Nancy. The Lord said He was talking to the Christians when He was addressing the armor of God found in Ephesians. Christians already have their shoes on …. BUT, they are NOT PREPARED WITH THE GOSPEL OF PEACE (Eph. 6:15).

Believers, study up! Stoke your fire! If there are souls ready for harvest, we must be ready! Not ready with what we think we know – but READY WITH THE WORD in POWER! The Fire-Fan kind of readiness – the gospel truth! The good news that will set the captives free! Jesus! Being prepared to point people to Jesus – their only Hope … hence the name: “Point to Hope” 🙂

In addition to the February invitation, I want to add these insights from some of the PTH Leadership as you meditate on the passages the Lord emphasized for the next decade:
Stand! Stand! Hold Fast to Faith: BACK to BASICS; new souls are going to need a basic foundation to build on.
Focus on Jesus; the Kingdom of God – souls for His storehouse. Get ready for change! Repeat … GET READY FOR CHANGE!

Consider this: If you are already prepared, you would have no need to change anything. But the word of the Lord through His prophet, Nancy, was “Christians shoes on, but not prepared!” Thus, if we are not prepared, we better be open for changing how and what we do by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

We have to fan our own fires. Rely on Holy Spirit to direct the wind of your fan for HIs purpose and plans.

If we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, believe that He died on the cross, rose again, and is coming back for us – and in salvation we receive Holy Spirit as our Helper and Comforter …. If you believe this, then we are all on the same team! We all have a measure of faith at different levels (Ro. 14). So, let us encourage one another as teammates on the winning side of Jesus. I will say again, we all are truly on the same team; HOLD FAST TO GOD’S PROMISES! We are of the same body and the same Spirit! (Eph. 4:4). We all win because we are on God’s Kingdom side! But do not let the enemy of darkness steal the Light; push back with the power of God’s Word and promises! Never give into darkness!
Nancy Haney’s Update:
On August 12, 2020, Nancy had a blood vessel begin to leak which created a blood clot inside her cranium, causing bruising and swelling. And so today, we continue to HOLD FAST to God’s Faithful promises and Word and power for healing for Nancy. The day will surely come, and she will awake, right on time. And we will continue to do our part for the Kingdom of God, and we wait with great expectation.

Recently, Nancy’s medical program has changed for the better. She is receiving more targeted physical therapy and motor stimulation to help in the process. Her medical team seems to be very mindful of her physical environment as well as getting to know Nancy. They are also very proactive in preventative care for Nancy. Thank you all for your prayer coverage over her medical team and the angelic host the Lord has assigned to Nancy. We continue to praise the Lord as we patiently wait with anticipation for God’s sovereign healing touch!

Fasting and Communion for Nancy’s healing:
You are invited to participate if inclined.
Sunday Alaska Standard Time Zone
Monday: South Carolina
Tuesday: Georgia
Wednesday: Nancy’s home church (Nikiski, AK).
Thursday: Pacific, Mountain, & Central Time Zones
Friday: Eastern Time Zones
Saturday: Hong Kong or International

If your state / region is not specifically listed, go according to time zone. Also, if that day does not work well for you, please, feel free to select any day. Take the liberty to fast however you are led. At this point, there is no conclusion date. Hold Fast!

Thank you to all for your prayer support for Nancy and the PTH family. We continue to HOLD FAST for Nancy’s healing and for the healing of America and what God has in store for both. We know God is working ALL things for His glory. We pray for God’s Kingdom to manifest here on earth as it is in Heaven: for Nancy, for His Church; for His America, and for His whole world!

Blessings and favor upon you as you pursue the Kingdom of God and His righteousness!

Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator